

Riemann surfaces
Georg Tamme

WiSe 2015 / 16

Content / Literature / Recommended previous knowledge English
Riemann surfaces are surfaces that locally look like the complex plane:

sphere torus ["Orange Torus" by Gelada - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons]

Their geometry has rather strong implications for the existence and number of holomorphic or meromorphic functions defined on them. The basic principles which we will learn in this seminar have far reaching generalizations in geometry, topology, and algebra. Riemann surfaces provide a rich class of simple, but still interesting examples and thus serve as an ideal topic for a gentle introduction to more advanced techniques that will also appear in courses on differential geometry, algebraic topology, or algebraic geometry. Examples are coverings and the fundamental group, differential forms and de Rham cohomology, sheaves and sheaf cohomology.

Basic knowledge of analysis and function theory is required for the seminar.

If all participants agree, this seminar can be held in German. The written report can be in English or German.

Zeit und Raum der Veranstaltung
Wed 12-14, M102

Art der Veranstaltung

Link zur Webseite (des/der Dozenten/in, der Veranstaltung)

Bachelor, Master, Lehramt Gymnasium

There will be an organizational meeting on Tuesday, July 14, at 10:00 in M201. Alternatively, you can register for this seminar by sending an email to .

Vortrag, schriftliche Ausarbeitung; je nach zutreffendem Modulkatalog ist entweder der Vortrag oder die schriftliche Ausarbeitung eine Studienleistung. Giving a presentation, writing a detailed report; depending on the applicable Modulkatalog: either the presentation or the written report is a Studienleistung.

Termine und Dauer von Prüfung und erster Wiederholungsprüfung

Anmeldeverfahren und Termine zu den Prüfungsbestandteilen

Anteile der Bestandteile an der Note
Je nach zutreffendem Modulkatalog basiert die Note entweder auf der schriftlichen Ausarbeitung oder auf dem Vortag. Depending on the applicable Modulkatalog: the grade is based either only on the written report or only on the presentation.

Liste der Module
BSem, MSem, LGySem

BSem, MSem, LGySem: siehe Modulkatalog. MV und Nebenfach: 4,5 LP bei Studienbeginn ab WS 15/16, 6 LP bei Studienbeginn vor WS15/16