Seminar: Graphs, Groups, Topology and Computational Complexity; WS 2024/25

Prof. Dr. Radu Curticapean (FIDS) / Prof. Dr. Clara Löh / Matthias Uschold


Seminar: Graphs, Groups, Topology and Computational Complexity

This seminar for students of mathematics and computer science studies the intersection of graph theory and computational complexity theory, using techniques from group theory and topology to tackle problems arising in this area. The seminar starts with introductory talks. Then we focus on the following problems: Several talks will also be suitable for students in the Lehramt Gymnasium track.


Wednesday, 8:00(?)--10:00, M101




This seminar is suitable for students with an interest in graph theory, groups, topology, and algorithmic aspects; several talks will also be suitable for students in the Lehramt Gymnasium track. This seminar could be the starting point for a project under my supervision (e.g., bachelor thesis, Zulassungsarbeit).


See the commented list of courses.

Last Change: June 25, 2024.