Invited presentations
The dynamical view on gradient invariants of groups,
Joint Mathematics Colloquium (ICMAT-UAM-UC3M-UCIM)
, UAM Madrid,
May 2024.
Pre-interview (in Spanish, translated from the English original)
Dynamical upper bounds for homological gradient invariants,
Homology Growth in Topology and Group Theory
MPIM Bonn,
May 2024.
Alle Gleichheiten sind gleich, aber manche sind gleicher.
Von der Homotopietheorie zur Computerverifikation
From Analysis to Homotopy Theory. A conference in honor of Ulrich Bunke's 60th birthday
public evening lecture for a general audience
Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg, Greifswald,
May 2024.
A quadratic lower bound for the number of minimal geodesics
Geometry Seminar,
Università di Pisa,
March 2024.
In dulci calculo ...,
Mathematisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg,
December 2023.
Unattainable values,
SwissKnots 2023,
Universität Regensburg,
September 2023.
Vanishing of logarithmic torsion homology growth via dynamics,
GAGTA 2023
July 2023.
Exponential growth rates in hyperbolic groups (after Koji Fujiwara and Zlil Sela)
Séminaire Bourbaki
April 2023.
A new lower bound for the number of minimal geodesics,
Bavarian Geometry and Topology Meeting XI,
LMU München,
January 2023.
L^2-Betti numbers and computability of reals
Computability Theory and Applications Online Seminar
November 2022.
Cup-products in bounded cohomology
Seminario a distancia de Teoría geométrica de grupos en México
October 2022.
Gradient invariants of aspherical manifolds with
small amenable multiplicity
Conference: Arithmetic Groups and 3-Manifolds
(online talk)
MPIM Bonn,
May 2022.
The spectrum of simplicial volume: groups, manifolds,
and questions,
Geometry Seminar,
ETH Zürich, May 2022.
Lower multiplicity bounds via classifying spaces
AATRN Topological Complexity Seminar
April 2022
Computations in bounded cohomology
Topological and Homological Methods in Group Theory 2022
March 2022
Covering spaces by "small" subsets,
Pure Mathematics Colloquium
(online talk),
University of Southampton,
February 2022
Gradient invariants of aspherical manifolds
with small amenable category,
International young seminar on bounded cohomology and simplicial volume
(ICMAT/ETHZ/UR; online),
January 2022
Computations in bounded cohomology,
Kolloquium Mathematische Gesellschaft (online talk), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,
November 2021
Simplicial volume: values and applications,
Sektion Geometrie und Topologie (online talk),
DMV-ÖMG-Tagung, September 2021
Computing bounded cohomology?,
HCM Symposium (online talk),
Universität Bonn, August 2021.
The spectrum of simplicial volume of non-compact manifolds,
International young seminar on bounded cohomology and simplicial volume
(ENS Lyon/ETHZ/UR; online),
June 2021
Stable integral simplicial volume of 3-manifolds,
Topology seminar (online), University of California Santa Barbara, May 2021.
Open covers with geometric pi_1-constraints,
Topology seminar (online), University Notre Dame, May 2021.
Amenable covers of manifolds,
Operator Algebras Seminar (online),
IMJ-PRG, Paris, April 2021.
Rank gradient, cost, and simplicial volume,
Geometric Group Theory Seminar (online),
University of Cambridge, March 2021.
The spectrum of simplicial volume I: foundations
(II: scl by Nicolaus Heuer),
Geometry Seminar (online),
University of Chicago,
March 2021.
Simplicial volume of one-relator groups,
RTG 2229 Colloquium (online),
February 2021.
Computing simplicial volumes,
Killing Kolloquium (online),
WWU Münster,
January 2021
Simplicial volume of one-relator groups,
Algebra Seminar (online),
Brasilia University,
December 2020
Amenable covers,
Pure Maths Colloquium (online),
October 2020,
Simplicial volume and stable commutator
length (pre-talk on simplicial volume),
Geometry and Analysis on Groups Research Seminar (online),
Universität Wien, October 2020.
Stable integral simplicial volume,
International young seminar on bounded cohomology and simplicial volume
(ENS Lyon/UR; online),
July 2020
p-Adic simplicial volumes,
Geometry Seminar (online),
May 2020,
ETH Zürich
Ergodic theoretic methods in group homology: A mini-course on L^2-Betti numbers in group theory,
summer school
Random and arithmetic structures in topology,
June 2019
MSRI, Berkeley
The spectrum of simplicial volume: From groups to manifolds,
May 2019,
A dynamical view on simplicial volume,
Growth in Topology and Number Theory,
July 2018,
Simplicial volume of one-relator groups,
Seminar Algebra-Geometrie-Kombinatorik,
June 2018,
TU Dresden
Simplicial volume: Fillings, gaps, and one-relator groups,
29th NRW Topology Meeting,
April 2018,
Twisted simplicial volumes,
Bavarian Geometry/Topology Meeting II
December 2017,
Universität Augsburg
The uniform boundary condition and simplicial volumes
Group actions and cohomology in non-positive curvature,
June 2017,
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
Approximating simplicial volumes by their integral analogues,
Manifolds & K-Theory,
A conference on the occasion of Wolfgang Lück's 60th birthday,
June 2017,
WWU Münster.
The uniform boundary condition without bounded cohomology,
Geometry Seminar,
January 2017,
Universität Heidelberg.
Gradient invariants of groups vs. simplicial volumes,
Groups, Graphs, Action!,
Fall Conference of the Swiss Mathematical Society,
October 2015,
University of Neuchâtel.
Simplicial volumes of amenable manifolds,
AG Seminar Topologie,
July 2015,
KIT Karlsruhe.
Simplicial volumes of amenable manifolds,
GK Colloquium,
June 2015,
Georg-August Universität Göttingen.
Bounded-cohomological dimension of discrete groups
Séminaires Groupes et Géométrie,
May 2015,
Université de Genève.
Manifolds with small integral simplicial volume
Geometry Seminar,
May 2015,
ETH Zürich.
Bounded-cohomological dimension of discrete groups
NRW Topology Meeting
April 2015,
WWU Münster.
The l^infty-semi-norm on uniformly finite homology
Seminari di Geometria,
March 2015,
Integral approximations of simplicial volume
Oberseminar Topologie,
November 2014,
Integral foliated simplicial volume of hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Groups and Topology
(DMV-PTM Meeting Poznań/Satellite Conference Będlewo)
September 2014,
Isomorphisms of Cayley graphs of finitely generated Abelian groups
Program: Geometric and Analytic Aspects of Group Theory,
March 2012,
Institut Mittag Leffler
Simply connected inflexible manifolds
December 2011,
TU München.
Functorial semi-norms in homology and geometry
Chern Centennial Conference
November 2011,
MSRI, Berkeley.
Functorial semi-norms on singular homology
September 2011,
University of Tokyo.
Functorial semi-norms in homology and mapping degrees,
workshop "Arithmetic Groups vs. Mapping Class Groups: Similarities, Analogies and Differences"
June 2011,
Functorial semi-norms in homology and (in)flexible manifolds
May 2011,
Oberseminar Geometrie,
LMU München.
Functorial semi-norms in homology and (in)flexible manifolds
April 2011,
Oberseminar Topologie,
Universität Bonn.
Functorial semi-norms in homology and (in)flexible manifolds
February 2011,
Seminar Algebra and Geometry,
Universität Leipzig.
Manifolds not presentable by products
February 2010,
Mathematisches Kolloquium,
Universität Regensburg.
Manifolds and groups not presentable by products,
November 2009,
HIM Trimester Program on Rigidity
Workshop: Rigidity in cohomology, K-theory, geometry and ergodic theory
HIM Bonn.
Fundamental classes not representable by products
August 2009,
Summer School
Geometry and Rigidity of Groups
WWU Münster.
Fundamental classes not representable by products
February 2009,
Topology Seminar,
University of Aberdeen
Simplicial volume of non-compact manifolds
September 2008,
Workshop Topologie,
September 2008,
WWU Münster.
Simplicial volume of non-compact manifolds
April 2008,
Ninth NRW Topology Meeting
WWU Münster.
Isomorphisms in l^1-homology
October 2007, Oberseminar Topologie, Universität Bonn.
Save early, save often!
October 2007, (Post)Doktorandentreffen Rothenberge.
Lipschitz simplicial volume
(preprints with similar content:
April 2007, Geometry/Topology Seminar, University of Chicago.
Isomorphisms in l^1-homology
January 2007, Geometrie-Seminar, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
Isomorphisms in l^1-homology
January 2007, Oberseminar Geometrie, LMU München.
Simplicial volume and L^2-Betti numbers
November 2006, Colloquium of the Graduiertenkolleg "Gruppen und
Geometrie", Göttingen.
Simplicial volume and L^2-Betti numbers
April 2006, Differential Topology seminar at Kyoto University, Japan.
Notes of talks given at the Universität Regensburg
Mathematik oder Numerogeopoesie?,
Eine Stunde Mathematik-Didaktik, Universität Regensburg, May 2023.
Der zentrale Grenzwertsatz,
Kurzvortrag im Rahmen der Lehrkräftefortbildung zur
Normalverteilung (09.03.2023; Didaktik der Mathematik,
Invarianten, Vorlesung im Rahmen
Schnupperstudiums Mathematik, September 2021.
Slippery Slides
GK-Ringvorlesung, January 2018.
Erstsemestereinführung Karlstein, October 2017.
Exercises in Academic Writing
GK-Ringvorlesung, May 2017.
Die Servietten-Vermutung
(durchgeführt von Daniel Fauser und Johannes Prem)
Erstsemestereinführung Karlstein, October 2016.
Penrose-Parkettierungen (durchgeführt mit Daniel Fauser und Gesina Schwalbe), Workshop im Rahmen des
Schnupperstudiums Mathematik, September 2016.
Wie druckt man eine Mannigfaltigkeit? Über die Topologie des 3D-Drucks
MNU-Landestagung der
MNU Ostbayern
Februar 2016.
Triangulierungen und Kartographie
(zusammen mit
Stefan Krauss),
Workshop im Rahmen von
MGR 2015,
Oktober 2015.
Eindeutigkeit von Slitherlink-Kurven (exercise sheet:
), Eine Stunde Mathematik-Didaktik, Universität Regensburg, July 2015.
The zeta-function in combinatorics (exercise sheet:
), Ringvorlesung,
GK CCC, June 2015.
Triangulierungen und Kartographie
(zusammen mit
Stefan Krauss),
Workshop im Rahmen von
MGR 2014,
Juli 2014.
Slitherlink-Kurven -- ein Zusammenspiel von Kombinatorik, Topologie und Geometrie
MNU-Landestagung der
MNU Ostbayern
Februar 2014.
Gruppen, Graphen, Symmetrie -- was sind negativ gekrümmte Gruppen?
MNU-Landestagung der
MNU Ostbayern
Februar 2012.
Schülerinformationstag 2011
Information zu den Studiengängen
November 2011.
Solitär: Es kann nur einen geben -- aber wo?
Erstsemestereinführung Karlstein, October 2011.
Invariance is bliss! -- Was ist algebraische Topologie?
Antrittsvorlesung, July 2011
Alle Gleichheiten sind gleich, aber manche sind gleicher.
Von der Homotopietheorie zur Computerverifikation
From Analysis to Homotopy Theory. A conference in honor of Ulrich Bunke's 60th birthday
public evening lecture for a general audience
Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg, Greifswald,
May 2024.
1, 2, 3, ... zu viele (Folien:
pdf, Druckversion:
Universität für Kinder, April 2019.
Preprint-Version des Textes für den Vorlesungsband:
Mathematik für kleine Entdecker. Drei Experimente,
Kindergarten St. Johannes, March 2018.
Ecken und Kanten: Reguläre Polyeder bei Kepler
Keplers Brennpunkte: Wissenschaft damals und heute
(Fakultät für Physik, Keplerhaus der Stadt Regensburg,
Fakultät für Mathematik),
50 Jahre UR,
November 2017.
Die Quinte und der Wolf -- über die Symmetrie der gleichstufigen
Goethe-Gymnasium Regensburg,
Juli 2014.
Notes of seminar talks given at the WWU Münster
Notes of seminar talks given at the University of Konstanz