List of lecture notes
Lineare Algebra I (FIDS) (WS 2023/24),
course homepage
Grundlagen der Mathematik (FIDS) (WS 2023/24),
course homepage
Geometrie (SS 2023),
course homepage
Applied Algebraic Topology (WS 2022/23),
course homepage
Geometric Group Theory (SS 2022),
course homepage
Based on: Geometric Group Theory. An Introduction.
Universitext, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-72253-5, 01/2018.
ProofLab: Simplicial Topology (WS 2021/22),
course homepage
Extended version:
Exploring Formalisation.
A Primer in Human-Readable Mathematics in Lean 3
with Examples from Simplicial Topology
Surveys and Tutorials in the Applied Mathematical Sciences
, volume 11,
print ISBN 978-3-031-14648-0,
ebook ISBN 978-3-031-14649-7,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-14649-7,
Homepage of this book project (including Lean src),
Algebraic Topology (WS 2021/22),
course homepage
Geometrie (SS 2021),
course homepage
Differential Geometry I (WS 2020/21),
course homepage
Ergodic theory of groups (SS 2020),
course homepage
Ergodic theoretic methods in group homology: A mini-course
on L^2-Betti numbers in group theory (06/2019),
course homepage,
summer school
Random and arithmetic structures in topology)
Final version:
SpringerBriefs in Mathematics, Springer,
ISBN 978-3-030-44219-4,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-44220-0,
Group Cohomology (SS 2019),
course homepage
Algebraic Topology (WS 2018/19),
course homepage
Kommutative Algebra (in German) (SS 2018),
course homepage
Algebra (in German) (WS 2017/18),
course homepage
Lineare Algebra II (in German) (SS 2017),
course homepage
Lineare Algebra I (in German) (WS 2016/17),
course homepage
Geometrie (SS 2016),
course homepage
Algebraische Topologie I (in German) (WS 2015/16),
course homepage
Geometric Group Theory (WS 2014/15, WS 2010/11),
course homepage WS 2014/15,
course homepage WS 2010/11
Final version:
ISBN 978-3-319-72253-5,
Algebraische Topologie III -- (Ko)Homologie: Produkte und Dualität (in German) (SS 2014),
course homepage
Algebraische Topologie II -- (Ko)Homologie (in German) (WS 2013/14),
course homepage
Algebraische Topologie I -- elementare Homotopietheorie (in German) (SS 2013),
course homepage
Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik (in German) (SS 2012),
course homepage
Analysis II (in German) (WS 2011/12),
course homepage
Analysis I (in German) (SS 2011),
course homepage
Topology III -- Group cohomology and bounded cohomology (WS 2009/10),
course homepage